All Classes

Defines the methods in CFormat that are the same for all JSON-like languages.
A TemplateModel that can be unwrapped and then it considers a provided desired (hint) class.
Creates an alias to another format, so that the format can be referred to with a simple name in the template, rather than as a concrete pattern or other kind of format string.
Creates an alias to another format, so that the format can be referred to with a simple name in the template, rather than as a concrete pattern or other kind of format string.
An extension of SimpleHash that looks up keys in the hash, then in the request, session, and servlet context scopes.
An extension of SimpleHash that looks up keys in the hash, then in the request, session, and servlet context scopes.
Logical "and" operation among the given matchers.
Used for implementing the arithmetic operations and number comparisons in the template language.
This is the default arithmetic engine in FreeMarker.
An arithmetic engine that conservatively widens the operation arguments to extent that they can hold the result of the operation.
A class that will wrap an arbitrary array into TemplateCollectionModel and TemplateSequenceModel interfaces.
Used for the attempt_exception_reported configuration setting.
A class that will wrap an arbitrary object into TemplateHashModel interface allowing calls to arbitrary property getters and invocation of accessible methods on the object from a template using the to access properties and, arg2) to invoke methods on it.
ObjectWrapper that is able to expose the Java API of arbitrary Java objects.
Gets/creates a BeansWrapper singleton instance that's already configured as specified in the properties of this object; this is recommended over using the BeansWrapper constructors.
Holds BeansWrapper configuration settings and defines their defaults.
Blacklist-based member access policy, that is, members that are matched by the listing will not be accessible, all others will be.
A class that will wrap instances of Boolean into a TemplateBooleanModel.
Represents a breakpoint location consisting of a template name and a line number.
An unexpected state was reached that is certainly caused by a bug in FreeMarker.
A TemplateLoader that uses a Map with byte[] as its source of templates.
Cache storage abstracts away the storage aspects of a cache - associating an object with a key, retrieval and removal via the key.
A cache storage that has a getSize() method for returning the current number of cache entries.
Use block-assignments instead, like <assign x>...</assign>.
Defines a format (usually a computer language) that's used by the c, cn built-ins, and for the "c" and "computer" number_format, and the "c" boolean_format.
A TemplateLoader that can load templates from the "classpath".
A special case of BeanModel that can wrap Java collections and that implements the TemplateCollectionModel in order to be usable in a <#list> block.
Not needed anymore, as FreeMarker now requires higher than Java 1.3
Represents two markup formats nested into each other.
Will be removed (main method in a library, often classified as CWE-489 "Leftover Debug Code").
Common superclass for implementing MarkupOutputFormat-s that use a CommonTemplateMarkupOutputModel subclass.
Common superclass for implementing TemplateMarkupOutputModel-s that belong to a CommonMarkupOutputFormat subclass format.
An optional interface for cache storage that knows whether it can be concurrently accessible without synchronization.
Returns the given TemplateConfiguration directly, or another TemplateConfigurationFactory's result, when the specified matcher matches the template source.
This is a common superclass of Configuration, Template, and Environment classes.
The setting name was recognized, but its value couldn't be parsed or the setting couldn't be set for some other reason.
The setting name was not recognized.
The main entry point into the FreeMarker API; encapsulates the configuration settings of FreeMarker, also serves as a central template-loading and caching service.
Frequently used constant TemplateModel values.
Represents the CSS output format (MIME type "text/css", name "CSS").
A class that allows one to associate custom data with a Configuration, a Template, or Environment.
Wraps arbitrary subclass of Date into a reflective model.
Date and time related utilities.
Used internally by DateUtil; don't use its implementations for anything else.
Used internally by DateUtil; don't use its implementations for anything else.
Non-thread-safe implementation that hard-references a calendar internally.
Non-thread-safe factory that hard-references a calendar internally.
Represents the debugger-side mirror of a debugged Environment object in the remote VM.
The main debugger interface.
A utility class that allows you to connect to the FreeMarker debugger service running on a specific host and port.
An interface for components that wish to receive debugging events.
This class provides debugging hooks for the core FreeMarker engine.
Represents the debugger-side mirror of a TemplateModel object, a Template object, or a Configuration object.
Utility methods for unwrapping TemplateModel-s.
Adapts an array of a non-primitive elements to the corresponding TemplateModel interface(s), most importantly to TemplateHashModelEx.
Adapts an Enumeration to the corresponding TemplateModel interface(s), most importantly to TemplateCollectionModel.
Adapts an Iterable to the corresponding TemplateModel interface(s), most importantly to TemplateCollectionModel.
Adapts an Iterator to the corresponding TemplateModel interface(s), most importantly to TemplateCollectionModel.
Adapts a List to the corresponding TemplateModel interface(s), most importantly to TemplateSequenceModel.
Adapts a Map to the corresponding TemplateModel interface(s), most importantly to TemplateHashModelEx.
Member access policy to implement the default behavior that's mostly compatible with pre-2.3.30 versions, but is somewhat safer; it still can't provide safety in practice, if you allow untrusted users to edit templates! Use WhitelistMemberAccessPolicy if you need stricter control.
Adapts a non-List Java Collection to the corresponding TemplateModel interface(s), most importantly to TemplateCollectionModelEx.
The default implementation of the ObjectWrapper interface.
Gets/creates a DefaultObjectWrapper singleton instance that's already configured as specified in the properties of this object; this is recommended over using the DefaultObjectWrapper constructors.
Holds DefaultObjectWrapper configuration settings and defines their defaults.
Gives information about the place where a directive is called from, also lets you attach a custom data object to that place.
Use NodeModel instead
A class that adds TemplateModelIterator functionality to the Enumeration interface implementers.
Object that represents the runtime environment during template processing.
Event describing a suspension of an environment (ie because it hit a breakpoint).
An instance of this class should be registered as a <listener> in the web.xml descriptor in order to correctly dispatch events to event listeners that are specified in TLD files.
An instance of this class should be registered as a <listener> in the web.xml descriptor in order to correctly dispatch events to event listeners that are specified in TLD files.
Gives FreeMarker the the ability to execute external commands.
Matches the file extension; unlike other matchers, by default case insensitive.
As opposed to PathGlobMatcher, it only compares the "file name" part (the part after the last /) of the source name with the given glob.
A TemplateLoader that uses files inside a specified directory as the source of templates.
Returns the first non-null result of the child factories, ignoring all further child factories.
FreeMarker MVC View servlet that can be used similarly to JSP views.
FreeMarker MVC View servlet that can be used similarly to JSP views.
This feature is not supported anymore, also, it uses the deprecated default Configuration.
This feature is not supported anymore, also, it uses the deprecated default Configuration.
Will be removed, as Swing classes aren't accessible on Google App Engine.
FMPP is a more complete solution.
This is used for wrapping objects that has no special treatment (unlike Map-s, Collection-s, Number-s, Boolean-s, and some more, which have), hence they are just "generic" Java objects.
Performs an HTML escape of a given template fragment.
Represents the HTML output format (MIME type "text/html", name "HTML").
TemplateHashModel wrapper for a HttpServletRequest attributes.
TemplateHashModel wrapper for a HttpServletRequest attributes.
TemplateHashModel wrapper for a HttpServletRequest parameters.
TemplateHashModel wrapper for a HttpServletRequest parameters.
TemplateHashModel wrapper for a HttpSession attributes.
TemplateHashModel wrapper for a HttpSession attributes.
Use IdentityHashMap instead.
A model that when invoked with a 'path' parameter will perform a servlet include.
A model that when invoked with a 'path' parameter will perform a servlet include.
Used when creating TemplateDateFormat-s and TemplateNumberFormat-s to indicate that the parameters part of the format string (like some kind of pattern) is malformed.
Used when creating TemplateDateFormat-s and TemplateNumberFormat-s to indicate that the format string (like the value of the dateFormat setting) is malformed.
An exception thrown when there is an attempt to access an invalid bean property when we are in a "strict bean" mode
A subclass of TemplateException that says that an FTL expression has evaluated to null or it refers to something that doesn't exist.
A class that adds TemplateModelIterator functionality to the Iterator interface implementers.
"JavaScript" CFormat, to be used when generating JavaScript (and not JSON), except, in most cases JavaScriptOrJSONCFormat is recommended over this.
"JavaScript or JSON" CFormat; for generating output that's compatible with both JSON and JavaScript.
Represents the JavaScript output format (MIME type "application/javascript", name "JavaScript").
"JSON" CFormat; to be used when generating JSON (and not JavaScript), except, in most cases JavaScriptOrJSONCFormat is recommended over this.
Represents the JSON output format (MIME type "application/json", name "JSON").
Used internally, public for technical reasons only.
Model for Jython dictionaries (PyDictionary and PyStringMap).
Generic model for arbitrary Jython objects.
Model for Jython numeric objects (PyInteger, PyLong, PyFloat).
A crude first pass at an embeddable Jython interpreter
Model for Jython sequence objects (PySequence descendants).
Functions that has a different implementation depending on the Jython version used.
An object wrapper that wraps Jython objects into FreeMarker template models and vice versa.
Corresponds to the behavior of ?c before 2.3.32 (when there were no CFormat-s yet).
Legacy blacklist based member access policy, used only to keep old behavior, as it can't provide meaningful safety.
An abstract base class for scalars that vary by locale.
Delegates logger creation to an actual logging library.
Indicates that the template name given was malformed according the TemplateNameFormat in use.
Implementation of TemplateHashModelEx2.KeyValuePairIterator for a TemplateHashModelEx2 that wraps or otherwise uses a Map internally.
A special case of BeanModel that adds implementation for TemplateMethodModelEx on map objects that is a shortcut for the Map.get() method.
Superclass of OutputFormat-s that represent a "markup" format, which is any format where certain character sequences have special meaning, and thus may need escaping.
Implement this to restrict what class members (methods, fields, constructors) are accessible from templates.
Superclass for member-selector-list-based member access policies, like WhitelistMemberAccessPolicy.
A condition that matches some type members.
Returns the merged results of all the child factories.
Used for customizing how the Java methods are visible from templates, via BeansWrapper.setMethodAppearanceFineTuner(MethodAppearanceFineTuner).
Adds an extra getter method to TemplateHashModel that can return different result than TemplateHashModel.get(String), knowing that the result of it will be called as a method.
Internally used by various wrapper implementations to implement model caching.
Interface used to create various wrapper models in the ModelCache.
A cache storage that implements a two-level Most Recently Used cache.
A TemplateLoader that uses a set of other loaders to load the templates.
Use NodeModel instead.
Use NodeModel instead.
A base class for wrapping a single W3C DOM Node as a FreeMarker template model.
Indicates that a TemplateBooleanModel value was expected, but the value had a different type.
Indicates that a TemplateDateModel value was expected, but the value had a different type.
Indicates that a TemplateHashModelEx value was expected, but the value had a different type.
Indicates that a TemplateNodeModelEx value was expected, but the value had a different type.
Indicates that a TemplateHashModel value was expected, but the value had a different type.
Indicates that a TemplateMarkupOutputModel value was expected, but the value had a different type.
Indicates that a TemplateMethodModel value was expected, but the value had a different type.
Indicates that a TemplateNodeModel value was expected, but the value had a different type.
Indicates that a TemplateNumberModel value was expected, but the value had a different type.
Indicates that a TemplateSequenceModel value was expected, but the value had a different type.
Indicates that a TemplateSequenceModel or TemplateCollectionModel value was expected, but the value had a different type.
Indicates that a TemplateScalarModel value was expected (or maybe something that can be automatically coerced to that), but the value had a different type.
Indicates that a TemplateScalarModel (or maybe something that can be automatically coerced to that) or TemplateMarkupOutputModel value was expected, but the value had a different type.
Transformer that supports FreeMarker legacy behavior: all newlines appearing within the transformed area will be transformed into the platform's default newline.
Logical "not" operation on the given matcher.
Indicates that an argument that must be non-null was null.
A cache storage that doesn't store anything.
A Writer that simply drops what it gets.
Wraps arbitrary subclass of Number into a reflective model.
Number- and math-related utilities.
An object that you can make available in a template to instantiate arbitrary beans-wrapped objects in a template.
Used for the trivial cases of the factory pattern.
Maps Java objects to the type-system of FreeMarker Template Language (see the TemplateModel interfaces).
Experimental - subject to change: Adds functionality to ObjectWrapper that creates a plain Java object from a TemplateModel.
Experimental - subject to change: Implemented by ObjectWrapper-s to help TemplateModel-s to implement the someValue?api operation.
A TemplateClassResolver that resolves only the classes whose name was specified in the constructor.
Logical "or" operation among the given matchers.
Represents an output format.
Wraps a set of same-name overloaded methods behind TemplateMethodModel interface, like if it was a single method, chooses among them behind the scenes on call-time based on the argument values.
Parsing-time exception in a template (as opposed to a runtime exception, a TemplateException).
Don't implement this interface yourself; use the existing implementation(s).
Thrown when the TemplateValueFormat doesn't support parsing, and parsing was invoked.
Matches the whole template source name (also known as template source path) with the given glob.
Matches the whole template source name (also known as template source path) with the given regular expression.
Represents the plain text output format (MIME type "text/plain", name "plainText").
A concrete implementation of LocalizedString that gets a localized string from a ResourceBundle
A hash model that wraps a resource bundle.
Experimental - subject to change: Union of the interfaces that a typical feature rich ObjectWrapper is expected to implement.
Used by the DebuggerClient to create local
Represents the Rich Text Format output format (MIME type "application/rtf", name "RTF").
TemplateHashModel wrapper for a ServletContext attributes.
TemplateHashModel wrapper for a ServletContext attributes.
A simple implementation of TemplateCollectionModel.
A simple implementation of the TemplateDateModel interface.
A simple implementation of the TemplateHashModelEx interface, using its own underlying Map or SortedMap for storing the hash entries.
Use SimpleSequence instead.
Model used by BeansWrapper when simpleMapWrapper mode is enabled.
A class that will wrap a reflected method call into a TemplateMethodModel interface.
A simple implementation of the TemplateNumberModel interface.
A restricted object wrapper that will not expose arbitrary object, just those that directly correspond to the TemplateModel sub-interfaces (String, Map and such).
A simple implementation of the TemplateScalarModel interface, using a String.
A simple implementation of the TemplateSequenceModel interface, using its own underlying List for storing the list items.
Marker interface useful when used together with MethodAppearanceFineTuner and such customizer objects, to indicate that it doesn't contain reference to the ObjectWrapper (so beware with non-static inner classes) and can be and should be used in call introspection cache keys.
Soft cache storage is a cache storage that uses SoftReference objects to hold the objects it was passed, therefore allows the garbage collector to purge the cache when it determines that it wants to free up memory.
A filter that compresses each sequence of consecutive whitespace to a single line break (if the sequence contains a line break) or a single space.
Interface that can be implemented by TemplateLoader-s that maintain some sort of internal state (i.e.
This exception is thrown when a #stop directive is encountered.
A TemplateLoader that uses a Map with String-s as its source of templates.
Some text related utilities.
Strong cache storage is a cache storage that simply wraps a Map.
A hash model associated with a servlet context that can load JSP tag libraries associated with that servlet context.
A hash model associated with a servlet context that can load JSP tag libraries associated with that servlet context.
To search TLD-s under META-INF/**/*.tld inside classpath root containers, that is, in directories and jar-s that are in the classpath (or are visible for the class loader otherwise).
To search TLD-s under META-INF/**/*.tld inside classpath root containers, that is, in directories and jar-s that are in the classpath (or are visible for the class loader otherwise).
When it occurs in the TaglibFactory.MetaInfTldSource list, all TaglibFactory.MetaInfTldSource-s before it will be disabled.
When it occurs in the TaglibFactory.MetaInfTldSource list, all TaglibFactory.MetaInfTldSource-s before it will be disabled.
A location within which we will look for META-INF/**/*.tld-s.
A location within which we will look for META-INF/**/*.tld-s.
To search TLD-s under sevletContext:/WEB-INF/lib/*.{jar,zip}/META-INF/**/*.tld, as requested by the JSP specification.
To search TLD-s under sevletContext:/WEB-INF/lib/*.{jar,zip}/META-INF/**/*.tld, as requested by the JSP specification.
Stores an already parsed template, ready to be processed (rendered) for unlimited times, possibly from multiple threads.
Thrown by the Template constructors that specify a non-null encoding whoch doesn't match the encoding specified in the #ftl header of the template.
Indicates that the the annotated member can be exposed to templates; if the annotated member will be actually exposed depends on the ObjectWrapper in use, and how that was configured.
"boolean" template language data type; same as in Java; either true or false.
Performs caching and on-demand loading of the templates.
Used by built-ins and other template language features that get a class based on a string.
"collection" template language data type: a collection of values that can be enumerated, but can't be or not meant to be accessed by index or key, nor the number of elements in it is known.
"collection" template language data type: Adds size/emptiness querybility to TemplateCollectionModel.
Stores combined markup to be printed; used with CombinedMarkupOutputFormat.
Used for customizing the configuration settings for individual Template-s (or rather groups of templates), relatively to the common setting values coming from the Configuration.
Creates (or returns) TemplateConfiguration-s for template sources.
Non-I/O exception thrown by TemplateConfigurationFactory-s.
Represents a date/time/dateTime format; used in templates for formatting and parsing with that format.
Factory for a certain kind of date/time/dateTime formatting (TemplateDateFormat).
"date", "time" and "date-time" template language data types: corresponds to Date.
Represents the nested content of a directive (TemplateDirectiveModel) invocation.
"directive" template language data type: used as user-defined directives (much like macros) in templates.
Runtime exception in a template (as opposed to a parsing-time exception: ParseException).
Used for the template_exception_handler configuration setting.
Utility classes for implementing TemplateValueFormat-s.
"hash" template language data type: an object that contains other objects accessible through string keys (sub-variable names).
"extended hash" template language data type; extends TemplateHashModel by allowing iterating through its keys and values.
Adds key-value pair listing capability to TemplateHashModelEx.
A key-value pair in a hash; used for TemplateHashModelEx2.KeyValuePairIterator.
Iterates over the key-value pairs in a hash.
Stores HTML markup to be printed; used with HTMLOutputFormat.
FreeMarker loads template "files" through objects that implement this interface, thus the templates need not be real files, and can come from any kind of data source (like classpath, servlet context, database, etc).
The return value of TemplateLookupStrategy.lookup(TemplateLookupContext) and similar lookup methods.
Finds the TemplateLoader-level (storage-level) template source for the template name with which the template was requested (as in Configuration.getTemplate(String)).
"markup output" template language data-type; stores markup (some kind of "rich text" / structured format, as opposed to plain text) that meant to be printed as template output.
"extended method" template language data type: Objects that act like functions.
The common super-interface of the interfaces that stand for the FreeMarker Template Language (FTL) data types.
Implemented by classes that serve as adapters for template model objects in some other object model.
ObjectWrapper-s may throw this when wrapping/unwrapping fails, or TemplateModel methods throw this if the requested data can't be retrieved.
Used to iterate over a set of template models once; usually returned from TemplateCollectionModel.iterator().
A sequence that wraps a List of TemplateModel-s.
Static utility method related to TemplateModel-s that didn't fit elsewhere.
A TemplateModel on which the ?api operation can be applied.
Symbolizes a template name format, which defines the basic syntax of names through algorithms such as normalization.
"node" template language data type: an object that is a node in a tree.
A TemplateNodeModel that supports navigating to the previous and next sibling nodes.
Thrown when Configuration.getTemplate(String) (or similar) doesn't find a template.
Represents a number format; used in templates for formatting and parsing with that format.
Factory for a certain kind of number formatting (TemplateNumberFormat).
"number" template language data type; an object that stores a number.
Hooks to monitor as templates run.
Information about the template element that we enter of exit; do NOT implement this (outside FreeMarker), as new methods can be added to this anytime!
Stores RTF markup to be printed; used with RTFOutputFormat.
"string" template language data-type; like in Java, an unmodifiable UNICODE character sequence.
"sequence" template language data type; an object that contains other objects accessible through an integer 0-based index.
"transform" template language data type: user-defined directives (much like macros) specialized on filtering output; you should rather use the newer TemplateDirectiveModel instead.
Superclass of all value format objects; objects that convert values to strings, or parse strings.
Error while getting, creating or applying TemplateValueFormat-s (including its subclasses, like TemplateNumberFormat).
Superclass of all format factories.
Stores HTML markup to be printed; used with HTMLOutputFormat.
Stores XML markup to be printed; used with XMLOutputFormat.
Will be removed (main method in a library, often classified as CWE-489 "Leftover Debug Code").
Will be removed (main method in a library, often classified as CWE-489 "Leftover Debug Code").
An interface that can be implemented by writers returned from TemplateTransformModel.getWriter(, java.util.Map).
Used for implementing the "truncate" family of built-ins.
The equivalent of JDK 1.3 UndeclaredThrowableException.
Represents the output format used when the template output format is undecided.
The type of a value differs from what was expected.
Thrown when a TemplateModel can't be formatted because of the value/properties of it are outside of that the TemplateValueFormat supports.
Thrown when a TemplateDateModel can't be formatted because its type is TemplateDateModel.UNKNOWN.
Thrown when a string can't be parsed to TemplateDateModel, because the provided target type is TemplateDateModel.UNKNOWN.
Used internally, public for technical reasons only.
Thrown when the content of the string that should be parsed by the TemplateValueFormat doesn't match what the format expects.
Indicates that the time zone name is not recognized.
Thrown when FreeMarker runs into a Number subclass that it doesn't yet support.
This is an abstract template loader that can load templates whose location can be described by an URL.
Wraps a URL, and implements methods required for a typical template source.
Represents a version number plus the further qualifiers and build info.
A TemplateLoader that uses streams reachable through ServletContext.getResource(String) as its source of templates.
A TemplateLoader that uses streams reachable through ServletContext.getResource(String) as its source of templates.
Whitelist-based member access policy, that is, only members that are matched by the listing will be exposed.
A generic interface for template models that wrap some underlying object, and wish to provide access to that wrapped object.
Convenience base-class for containers that wrap their contained arbitrary Java objects into TemplateModel instances.
Implemented by objects that can be made permanently read-only.
Represents the XML output format (MIME type "application/xhtml+xml", name "XHTML"); this behaves identically to HTMLOutputFormat, except that the name an the MIME Type differs.
Performs an XML escaping of a given template fragment.
Represents the XML output format (MIME type "application/xml", name "XML").
"XS" CFormat, for outputting XML that follows the conventions of XML Schema.
How to show 0 argument non-void public methods to templates.