Class NodeListModel
- All Implemented Interfaces:
A data model adapter for three widespread XML document object model representations: W3C DOM, dom4j, and JDOM. The adapter automatically recognizes the used XML object model and provides a unified interface for it toward the template. The model provides access to all XML InfoSet features of the XML document and includes XPath support if it has access to the XPath- evaluator library Jaxen. The model's philosophy (which closely follows that of XML InfoSet and XPath) is as follows: it always wraps a list of XML nodes (the "nodelist"). The list can be empty, can have a single element, or can have multiple elements. Every operation applied to the model is applied to all nodes in its nodelist. You usually start with a single- element nodelist, usually the root element node or the document node of the XML tree. Additionally, the nodes can contain String objects as a result of certain evaluations (getting the names of elements, values of attributes, etc.)
Implementation note: If you are using W3C DOM documents
built by the Crimson XML parser (or you are using the built-in JDK 1.4 XML
parser, which is essentially Crimson), make sure you call
on the
instance used for document
building even when your documents don't use XML namespaces. Failing to do so,
you will experience incorrect behavior when using the documents wrapped with
this model.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface freemarker.template.TemplateModel
Fields inherited from interface freemarker.template.TemplateScalarModel
Constructor Summary
ConstructorsConstructorDescriptionNodeListModel(Object nodes)
Deprecated.Creates a new NodeListModel, wrapping the passed nodes. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDeprecated.Evaluates an XPath expression on XML nodes in this model.get(int index)
Deprecated.Selects a single node from this model's nodelist by its list index and returns a new NodeListModel containing that single node.Deprecated.Returns a new NodeListModel containing the nodes that result from applying an operator to this model's nodes.Deprecated.Returns the string representation of the wrapped nodes.Deprecated.Deprecated.Deprecated.Deprecated.Deprecated.boolean
Deprecated.Returns true if this NodeListModel contains no nodes.void
registerNamespace(String prefix, String uri)
Deprecated.Registers a namespace prefix-URI pair for subsequent use inget(String)
as well as for use in XPath
Deprecated.Returns the number of nodes in this model's nodelist.
Constructor Details
Deprecated.Creates a new NodeListModel, wrapping the passed nodes.- Parameters:
- you can pass it a single XML node from any supported document model, or a Java collection containing any number of nodes. Passing null is prohibited. To create an empty model, pass it an empty collection. If a collection is passed, all passed nodes must belong to the same XML object model, i.e. you can't mix JDOM and dom4j in a single instance of NodeListModel. The model itself doesn't check for this condition, as it can be time consuming, but will throw spuriousClassCastException
s when it encounters mixed objects.- Throws:
- if you pass null
Method Details
public int size()Deprecated.Returns the number of nodes in this model's nodelist.- Specified by:
in interfaceTemplateSequenceModel
- Returns:
- the number of items in the list.
- See Also:
Deprecated.Evaluates an XPath expression on XML nodes in this model.- Specified by:
in interfaceTemplateMethodModel
- Parameters:
- the arguments to the method invocation. Expectes exactly one argument - the XPath expression.- Returns:
- a new NodeListModel with nodes selected by applying the XPath expression to this model's nodelist.
- Throws:
- See Also:
Deprecated.Returns the string representation of the wrapped nodes. String objects in the nodelist are rendered as-is (with no XML escaping applied). All other nodes are rendered in the default XML serialization format ("plain XML"). This makes the model quite suited for use as an XML-transformation tool.- Specified by:
in interfaceTemplateScalarModel
- Returns:
- the string representation of the wrapped nodes. String objects in the nodelist are rendered as-is (with no XML escaping applied). All other nodes are rendered in the default XML serialization format ("plain XML").
- Throws:
- See Also:
Deprecated.Selects a single node from this model's nodelist by its list index and returns a new NodeListModel containing that single node.- Specified by:
in interfaceTemplateSequenceModel
- Parameters:
- the ordinal number of the selected node- Returns:
- the item at the specified index, or
if the index is out of bounds. Note that anull
value is interpreted by FreeMarker as "variable does not exist", and accessing a missing variables is usually considered as an error in the FreeMarker Template Language, so the usage of a bad index will not remain hidden, unless the default value for that case was also specified in the template. - See Also:
Deprecated.Returns a new NodeListModel containing the nodes that result from applying an operator to this model's nodes.- Specified by:
in interfaceTemplateHashModel
- Parameters:
- the operator to apply to nodes. Available operators are:Key name Evaluates to *
all direct element children of current nodes (non-recursive). Applicable to element and document nodes. @*
all attributes of current nodes. Applicable to elements only. @attributeName
named attributes of current nodes. Applicable to elements, doctypes and processing instructions. On doctypes it supports attributes publicId
. On processing instructions, it supports attributestarget
, as well as any other attribute name specified in data asname="value"
pair on dom4j or JDOM models. The attribute nodes for doctype and processing instruction are synthetic, and as such have no parent. Note, however that@*
does NOT operate on doctypes or processing instructions._ancestor
all ancestors up to root element (recursive) of current nodes. Applicable to same node types as _parent
all ancestors of current nodes plus current nodes. Applicable to same node types as _parent
the complete content of current nodes, including children elements, text, entity references, and processing instructions (non-recursive). Applicable to elements and documents. _descendant
all recursive descendant element children of current nodes. Applicable to document and element nodes. _descendantOrSelf
all recursive descendant element children of current nodes plus current nodes. Applicable to document and element nodes. _document
all documents the current nodes belong to. Applicable to all nodes except text. _doctype
doctypes of the current nodes. Applicable to document nodes only. _filterType
is a filter-by-type template method model. When called, it will yield a node list that contains only those current nodes whose type matches one of types passed as argument. You can pass as many string arguments as you want, each representing one of the types to select: "attribute", "cdata", "comment", "document", "documentType", "element", "entity", "entityReference", "namespace", "processingInstruction", or "text". _name
the names of current nodes, one string per node (non-recursive). Applicable to elements and attributes (returns their local names), entity references, processing instructions (returns its target), doctypes (returns its public ID) _nsprefix
the namespace prefixes of current nodes, one string per node (non-recursive). Applicable to elements and attributes _nsuri
the namespace URIs of current nodes, one string per node (non-recursive). Applicable to elements and attributes _parent
parent elements of current nodes. Applicable to element, attribute, comment, entity, processing instruction. _qname
the qualified names of current nodes in [namespacePrefix:]localName
form, one string per node (non-recursive). Applicable to elements and attributes_registerNamespace(prefix, uri)
register a XML namespace with the specified prefix and URI for the current node list and all node lists that are derived from the current node list. After registering, you can use the nodelist["prefix:localname"]
, ornodelist["@prefix:localname"]
syntax (ornodelist.prefix\:localname
, ornodelist.@prefix\:localname
) to reach elements, and attributes whose names are namespace-scoped. Note that the namespace prefix need not match the actual prefix used by the XML document itself since namespaces are compared solely by their URI. Also note that if you dodoc.elem1._registerNamespace(...)
, and then later you usedoc.elem1
again, it will not have the prefix registered, because each time you usedoc.elem1
, it gives a completely new object. In this example, you certainly should have useddoc._registerNamespace(...)
the text of current nodes, one string per node (non-recursive). Applicable to elements, attributes, comments, processing instructions (returns its data) and CDATA sections. The reserved XML characters ('<' and '&') are NOT escaped. _type
Returns a string describing the type of nodes, one string per node. The returned values are "attribute", "cdata", "comment", "document", "documentType", "element", "entity", "entityReference", "namespace", "processingInstruction", "text", or "unknown". _unique
a copy of the current nodes that keeps only the first occurrence of every node, eliminating duplicates. Duplicates can occur in the node list by applying uptree-traversals _parent
, and_document
on a node list with multiple elements.
will return a node list that has duplicates of nodes in foo - each node will have the number of occurrences equal to the number of its children. In these cases, usefoo._children._parent._unique
to eliminate duplicates. Applicable to all node types.any other key element children of current nodes with name matching the key. This allows for convenience child traversal in book.chapter.title
style syntax. Applicable to document and element nodes.- Returns:
- a new NodeListModel containing the nodes that result from applying the operator to this model's nodes.
- Throws:
- See Also:
public boolean isEmpty()Deprecated.Returns true if this NodeListModel contains no nodes.- Specified by:
in interfaceTemplateHashModel
- See Also:
Deprecated.Registers a namespace prefix-URI pair for subsequent use inget(String)
as well as for use in XPath expressions.- Parameters:
- the namespace prefix to use for the namespaceuri
- the namespace URI that identifies the namespace.
Deprecated.- Specified by:
in interfaceTemplateNodeModel
- Returns:
- a sequence containing this node's children. If the returned value is null or empty, this is essentially a leaf node.
- Throws:
Deprecated.- Specified by:
in interfaceTemplateNodeModel
- Returns:
- a String that is used to determine the processing routine to use. In the XML implementation, if the node is an element, it returns the element's tag name. If it is an attribute, it returns the attribute's name. It returns "@text" for text nodes, "@pi" for processing instructions, and so on.
- Throws:
Deprecated.- Specified by:
in interfaceTemplateNodeModel
- Returns:
- the XML namespace URI with which this node is associated. If this TemplateNodeModel implementation is not XML-related, it will almost certainly be null. Even for XML nodes, this will often be null.
- Throws:
Deprecated.- Specified by:
in interfaceTemplateNodeModel
- Returns:
- a String describing the type of node this is. In the W3C DOM, this should be "element", "text", "attribute", etc. A TemplateNodeModel implementation that models other kinds of trees could return whatever it appropriate for that application. It can be null, if you don't want to use node-types.
- Throws:
Deprecated.- Specified by:
in interfaceTemplateNodeModel
- Returns:
- the parent of this node or null, in which case this node is the root of the tree.
- Throws: