Class DefaultMemberAccessPolicy

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class DefaultMemberAccessPolicy extends Object implements MemberAccessPolicy
Member access policy to implement the default behavior that's mostly compatible with pre-2.3.30 versions, but is somewhat safer; it still can't provide safety in practice, if you allow untrusted users to edit templates! Use WhitelistMemberAccessPolicy if you need stricter control.
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static DefaultMemberAccessPolicy getInstance(Version incompatibleImprovements)
      Returns the singleton that's compatible with the given incompatible improvements version.
    • forClass

      public ClassMemberAccessPolicy forClass(Class<?> contextClass)
      Description copied from interface: MemberAccessPolicy
      Returns the ClassMemberAccessPolicy that encapsulates the member access policy for a given class. ClassMemberAccessPolicy implementations need not be thread-safe. Because class introspection results are cached, and so this method is usually only called once for a given class, the ClassMemberAccessPolicy instances shouldn't be cached by the implementation of this method.
      Specified by:
      forClass in interface MemberAccessPolicy
      contextClass - The exact class of object from which members will be get in the templates.
    • isToStringAlwaysExposed

      public boolean isToStringAlwaysExposed()
      Description copied from interface: MemberAccessPolicy
      If this returns true, we won't invoke the probably more expensive lookup to figure out if Object.toString() (including its overridden variants) is exposed for a given object. If this returns false, then no such optimization is made. This method was introduced as Object.toString() is called frequently, as it's used whenever an object is converted to string, like printed to the output, and it's not even a reflection-based call (we just call Object.toString() in Java). So we try to avoid the overhead of a more generic method call.
      Specified by:
      isToStringAlwaysExposed in interface MemberAccessPolicy