Interface ObjectWrapper

All Known Subinterfaces:
ObjectWrapperAndUnwrapper, ObjectWrapperWithAPISupport, RichObjectWrapper
All Known Implementing Classes:
BeansWrapper, DefaultObjectWrapper, JythonWrapper, RhinoWrapper, SimpleObjectWrapper

public interface ObjectWrapper
Maps Java objects to the type-system of FreeMarker Template Language (see the TemplateModel interfaces). Thus this is what decides what parts of the Java objects will be accessible in the templates and how.

For example, with a BeansWrapper both the items of Map and the JavaBean properties (the getters) of an object are accessible in template uniformly with the syntax, where "foo" is the map key or the property name. This is because both kind of object is wrapped by BeansWrapper into a TemplateHashModel implementation that will call Map.get(Object) or the getter method, transparently to the template language.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      @Deprecated static final ObjectWrapper BEANS_WRAPPER
      Use instead; this instance isn't read-only and thus can't be trusted.
      An ObjectWrapper that exposes the object methods and JavaBeans properties as hash elements, and has custom handling for Java Map-s, ResourceBundle-s, etc. It doesn't treat Node-s and Jython objects specially, however. As of 2.3.22, using DefaultObjectWrapper with its incompatibleImprovements property set to 2.3.22 (or higher) is recommended instead.

      @Deprecated static final ObjectWrapper DEFAULT_WRAPPER
      Use instead; this instance isn't read-only and thus can't be trusted.
      The legacy default object wrapper implementation, focusing on backward compatibility and out-of-the W3C DOM wrapping box extra features. See DefaultObjectWrapper for more information.

      @Deprecated static final ObjectWrapper SIMPLE_WRAPPER
      No replacement as it was seldom if ever used by anyone; this instance isn't read-only and thus can't be trusted.
      Object wrapper that uses SimpleXXX wrappers only. It behaves like the DEFAULT_WRAPPER, but for objects that it does not know how to wrap as a SimpleXXX it throws an exception. It makes no use of reflection-based exposure of anything, which may makes it a good candidate for security-restricted applications.
  • Method Details