Class Logger


public abstract class Logger extends Object
Delegates logger creation to an actual logging library. By default it looks for logger libraries in this order (in FreeMarker 2.3.x): Log4J, Avalon LogKit, JUL (i.e., java.util.logging). Prior to FreeMarker 2.4, SLF4J and Apache Commons Logging aren't searched automatically due to backward compatibility constraints. But if you have log4j-over-slf4j properly installed (means, you have no real Log4j in your class path, and SLF4J has a backing implementation like logback-classic), then FreeMarker will use SLF4J directly instead of Log4j (since FreeMarker 2.3.22).

If the auto detection sequence describet above doesn't give you the result that you want, see SYSTEM_PROPERTY_NAME_LOGGER_LIBRARY.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Logger

      public Logger()
  • Method Details

    • selectLoggerLibrary

      @Deprecated public static void selectLoggerLibrary(int libraryEnum) throws ClassNotFoundException
      This method isn't reliable, unless you can somehow ensure that you access the FreeMarker classes first; use the "org.freemarker.loggerLibrary" Java system property instead, like java ... -Dorg.freemarker.loggerLibrary=slf4j. See SYSTEM_PROPERTY_NAME_LOGGER_LIBRARY for more.
      Selects the logger library to use, unless it's already specified by the "org.freemarker.loggerLibrary" system property. Call this early in application initialization phase, before calling any other FreeMarker API-s, since once parts of the FreeMarker library bind to the logging subsystem, the change in this value will have no effect on them.
      libraryEnum - One of LIBRARY_... constants. By default, LIBRARY_AUTO is used.
      ClassNotFoundException - if an explicit logging library is asked for (that is, not -1 or 0) and it's not found in the classpath.
    • setCategoryPrefix

      @Deprecated public static void setCategoryPrefix(String prefix)
      This wasn't reliable, unless you can somehow ensure that you access the FreeMarker classes first. As it's not known to be useful for users, consider it removed.
      Sets a category prefix. This prefix is prepended to any logger category name. This makes it possible to have different FreeMarker logger categories on a per-application basis (better said, per-classloader basis). By default the category prefix is the empty string. If you set a non-empty category prefix, be sure to include the trailing separator dot (i.e. "MyApp.") If you want to change the default setting, do it early in application initialization phase, before calling any other FreeMarker API since once various parts of the FreeMarker library bind to the logging subsystem, the change in this value will have no effect on them.
    • debug

      public abstract void debug(String message)
      Logs a debugging message.
    • debug

      public abstract void debug(String message, Throwable t)
      Logs a debugging message with accompanying throwable.
    • info

      public abstract void info(String message)
      Logs an informational message.
    • info

      public abstract void info(String message, Throwable t)
      Logs an informational message with accompanying throwable.
    • warn

      public abstract void warn(String message)
      Logs a warning message.
    • warn

      public abstract void warn(String message, Throwable t)
      Logs a warning message with accompanying throwable.
    • error

      public abstract void error(String message)
      Logs an error message.
    • error

      public abstract void error(String message, Throwable t)
      Logs an error message with accompanying throwable.
    • isDebugEnabled

      public abstract boolean isDebugEnabled()
      Returns true if this logger will log debug messages.
    • isInfoEnabled

      public abstract boolean isInfoEnabled()
      Returns true if this logger will log informational messages.
    • isWarnEnabled

      public abstract boolean isWarnEnabled()
      Returns true if this logger will log warning messages.
    • isErrorEnabled

      public abstract boolean isErrorEnabled()
      Returns true if this logger will log error messages.
    • isFatalEnabled

      public abstract boolean isFatalEnabled()
      Returns true if this logger will log fatal error messages.
    • getLogger

      public static Logger getLogger(String category)
      Returns a logger for the specified category.
      category - a dot separated hierarchical category name. If a category prefix is in effect, it's prepended to the category name.