Class SimpleCollection

All Implemented Interfaces:
TemplateCollectionModel, TemplateModel, Serializable

public class SimpleCollection extends WrappingTemplateModel implements TemplateCollectionModel, Serializable
A simple implementation of TemplateCollectionModel. It's able to wrap java.util.Iterator-s and java.util.Collection-s. If you wrap an Iterator, the variable can be <#list>-ed only once!

Consider using SimpleSequence instead of this class if you want to wrap Iterators. SimpleSequence will read all elements of the Iterator, and store them in a List (this may cause too high resource consumption in some applications), so you can list the variable for unlimited times. Also, if you want to wrap Collections, and then list the resulting variable for many times, SimpleSequence may gives better performance, as the wrapping of non-TemplateModel objects happens only once.

This class is thread-safe. The returned TemplateModelIterator-s are not thread-safe.

See Also:
Serialized Form