Interface TemplateHashModelEx2

All Superinterfaces:
TemplateHashModel, TemplateHashModelEx, TemplateModel
All Known Implementing Classes:
AllHttpScopesHashModel, AllHttpScopesHashModel, DefaultMapAdapter, Environment.Namespace, SimpleHash, SimpleMapModel

public interface TemplateHashModelEx2 extends TemplateHashModelEx
Adds key-value pair listing capability to TemplateHashModelEx. While in many cases that can also be achieved with TemplateHashModelEx.keys() and then TemplateHashModel.get(String), that has some problems. One is that TemplateHashModel.get(String) only accepts string keys, while TemplateHashModelEx.keys() can return non-string keys too. The other is that calling TemplateHashModelEx.keys() and then TemplateHashModel.get(String) for each key can be slower than listing the key-value pairs in one go.