Class Template


public class Template extends Configurable
Stores an already parsed template, ready to be processed (rendered) for unlimited times, possibly from multiple threads.

Typically, you will use Configuration.getTemplate(String) to create/get Template objects, so you don't construct them directly. But you can also construct a template from a Reader or a String that contains the template source code. But then it's important to know that while the resulting Template is efficient for later processing, creating a new Template itself is relatively expensive. So try to re-use Template objects if possible. Configuration.getTemplate(String) (and its overloads) does that (caching Template-s) for you, but the constructor of course doesn't, so it's up to you to solve then.

Objects of this class meant to be handled as immutable and thus thread-safe. However, it has some setter methods for changing FreeMarker settings. Those must not be used while the template is being processed, or if the template object is already accessible from multiple threads. If some templates need different settings that those coming from the shared Configuration, and you are using Configuration.getTemplate(String) (or its overloads), then use Configuration.setTemplateConfigurations(freemarker.cache.TemplateConfigurationFactory) to achieve that.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getPlainTextTemplate

      public static Template getPlainTextTemplate(String name, String content, Configuration config)
    • getPlainTextTemplate

      public static Template getPlainTextTemplate(String name, String sourceName, String content, Configuration config)
      Creates (not "get"-s) a Template that only contains a single block of static text, no dynamic content.
      name - See getName() for more details.
      sourceName - See getSourceName() for more details. If null, it will be the same as the name.
      content - the block of text that this template represents
      config - the configuration to which this template belongs
    • process

      public void process(Object dataModel, Writer out) throws TemplateException, IOException
      Executes template, using the data-model provided, writing the generated output to the supplied Writer.

      For finer control over the runtime environment setup, such as per-HTTP-request configuring of FreeMarker settings, you may need to use createProcessingEnvironment(Object, Writer) instead.

      dataModel - the holder of the variables visible from the template (name-value pairs); usually a Map<String, Object> or a JavaBean (where the JavaBean properties will be the variables). Can be any object that the ObjectWrapper in use turns into a TemplateHashModel. You can also use an object that already implements TemplateHashModel; in that case it won't be wrapped. If it's null, an empty data model is used.
      out - The Writer where the output of the template will go. Note that unless you have used Configurable.setAutoFlush(boolean) to disable this, Writer.flush() will be called at the when the template processing was finished. Writer.close() is not called. Can't be null.
      TemplateException - if an exception occurs during template processing
      IOException - if an I/O exception occurs during writing to the writer.
    • process

      public void process(Object dataModel, Writer out, ObjectWrapper wrapper, TemplateNodeModel rootNode) throws TemplateException, IOException
      Like process(Object, Writer), but also sets a (XML-)node to be recursively processed by the template. That node is accessed in the template with .node, #recurse, etc. See the Declarative XML Processing as a typical example of recursive node processing.
      rootNode - The root node for recursive processing or null.
      TemplateException - if an exception occurs during template processing
      IOException - if an I/O exception occurs during writing to the writer.
    • process

      public void process(Object dataModel, Writer out, ObjectWrapper wrapper) throws TemplateException, IOException
      wrapper - The ObjectWrapper to be used instead of what Configurable.getObjectWrapper() provides, or null if you don't want to override that.
    • createProcessingEnvironment

      public Environment createProcessingEnvironment(Object dataModel, Writer out, ObjectWrapper wrapper) throws TemplateException, IOException
      Creates a Environment object, with this template as the main (top-level template), and the data-model provided as parameter. You have to call Environment.process() on the return value to start actual template processing (that is, to run the template, to generate output).

      Use this method if you want to do some special initialization on the Environment before template processing, or if you want to read the Environment after template processing. Otherwise, using process(Object, Writer) is simpler.


       Environment env = myTemplate.createProcessingEnvironment(root, out, null);

      The above is equivalent with this:

       myTemplate.process(root, out);

      But with createProcessingEnvironment, you can manipulate the environment before and after the processing:

       Environment env = myTemplate.createProcessingEnvironment(root, out);
       env.process();  // output is rendered here
       TemplateModel x = env.getVariable("x");  // read back a variable set by the template
      dataModel - the holder of the variables visible from all templates; see process(Object, Writer) for more details. If null, the data model will be empty.
      wrapper - The ObjectWrapper to use to wrap objects into TemplateModel instances. Normally you left it null, in which case Configurable.getObjectWrapper() will be used.
      out - The Writer where the output of the template will go; see process(Object, Writer) for more details. Can't be null.
      the Environment object created for processing. Call Environment.process() to process the template.
      TemplateException - if an exception occurs while setting up the Environment object.
      IOException - if an exception occurs doing any auto-imports
    • createProcessingEnvironment

      public Environment createProcessingEnvironment(Object dataModel, Writer out) throws TemplateException, IOException
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns a string representing the raw template text in canonical form.
      toString in class Object
    • getName

      public String getName()
      The usually path-like (or URL-like) identifier of the template, or possibly null for non-stored templates. It usually looks like a relative UN*X path; it should use /, not \, and shouldn't start with / (but there are no hard guarantees). It's not a real path in a file-system, it's just a name that a TemplateLoader used to load the backing resource (in simple cases; actually that name is getSourceName(), but see it there). Or, it can also be a name that was never used to load the template (directly created with Template(String, Reader, Configuration)). Even if the templates are stored straightforwardly in files, this is relative to the base directory of the TemplateLoader. So it really could be anything, except that it has importance in these situations:

      Relative paths to other templates in this template will be resolved relatively to the directory part of this. Like if the template name is "foo/this.ftl", then <#include "other.ftl"> gets the template with name "foo/other.ftl".

      You should not use this name to indicate error locations, or to find the actual templates in general, because localized lookup, acquisition and other lookup strategies can transform names before they get to the TemplateLoader (the template storage) mechanism. Use getSourceName() for these purposes.

      Some frameworks use URL-like template names like "someSchema://foo/bar.ftl". FreeMarker understands this notation, so an absolute path like "/baaz.ftl" in that template will be resolved too "someSchema://baaz.ftl".

    • getSourceName

      public String getSourceName()
      The name that was actually used to load this template from the TemplateLoader (or from other custom storage mechanism). This is what should be shown in error messages as the error location. This is usually the same as getName(), except when localized lookup, template acquisition (* step in the name), or other TemplateLookupStrategy transforms the requested name (getName()) to a different final TemplateLoader-level name. For example, when you get a template with name "foo.ftl" then because of localized lookup, it's possible that something like "foo_en.ftl" will be loaded behind the scenes. While the template name will be still the same as the requested template name ("foo.ftl"), errors should point to "foo_de.ftl". Note that relative paths are always resolved relatively to the name, not to the sourceName.
    • getConfiguration

      public Configuration getConfiguration()
      Returns the Configuration object associated with this template.
    • getParserConfiguration

      public ParserConfiguration getParserConfiguration()
      Returns the ParserConfiguration that was used for parsing this template. This is most often the same object as getConfiguration(), but sometimes it's a TemplateConfiguration, or something else. It's never null.
    • setEncoding

      @Deprecated public void setEncoding(String encoding)
      Should only be used internally, and might will be removed later.
      encoding - The encoding that was used to read this template. When this template #include-s or #import-s another template, by default it will use this encoding for those. For backward compatibility, this can be null, which will unset this setting.
    • getEncoding

      public String getEncoding()
      The encoding that was (allegedly) used to read this template; also the the default character encoding used for reading files included from this template. Possibly null, in which case you are supposed to use Configuration.getEncoding(Locale).
    • getCustomLookupCondition

      public Object getCustomLookupCondition()
      Gets the custom lookup condition with which this template was found. See the customLookupCondition parameter of Configuration.getTemplate(String, java.util.Locale, Object, String, boolean, boolean) for more explanation.
    • setCustomLookupCondition

      public void setCustomLookupCondition(Object customLookupCondition)
      Mostly only used internally; setter pair of getCustomLookupCondition(). This meant to be called directly after instantiating the template with its constructor, after a successfull lookup that used this condition. So this should only be called from code that deals with creating new Template objects, like from TemplateCache.
    • getActualTagSyntax

      public int getActualTagSyntax()
      Returns the tag syntax the parser has chosen for this template. If the syntax could be determined, it's Configuration.SQUARE_BRACKET_TAG_SYNTAX or Configuration.ANGLE_BRACKET_TAG_SYNTAX. If the syntax couldn't be determined (like because there was no tags in the template, or it was a plain text template), this returns whatever the default is in the current configuration, so it's maybe Configuration.AUTO_DETECT_TAG_SYNTAX.
      See Also:
    • getInterpolationSyntax

      public int getInterpolationSyntax()
      Returns the interpolation syntax the parser has used for this template. Because the interpolation syntax is never auto-detected, it's not called "getActualInterpolationSyntax" (unlike getActualTagSyntax()).
      See Also:
    • getActualNamingConvention

      public int getActualNamingConvention()
      Returns the naming convention the parser has chosen for this template. If it could be determined, it's Configuration.LEGACY_NAMING_CONVENTION or Configuration.CAMEL_CASE_NAMING_CONVENTION. If it couldn't be determined (like because there no identifier that's part of the template language was used where the naming convention matters), this returns whatever the default is in the current configuration, so it's maybe Configuration.AUTO_DETECT_TAG_SYNTAX.
      See Also:
    • getOutputFormat

      public OutputFormat getOutputFormat()
      Returns the output format (see Configuration.setOutputFormat(OutputFormat)) used for this template. The output format of a template can come from various places, in order of increasing priority: Configuration.getOutputFormat(), ParserConfiguration.getOutputFormat() (which is usually provided by Configuration.getTemplateConfigurations()) and the #ftl header's output_format option in the template.
    • getAutoEscaping

      public boolean getAutoEscaping()
      Returns if the template actually uses auto-escaping (see Configuration.setAutoEscapingPolicy(int)). This value is decided by the parser based on the actual OutputFormat, and the auto-escaping enums, in order of increasing priority: Configuration.getAutoEscapingPolicy(), ParserConfiguration.getAutoEscapingPolicy() (which is usually provided by Configuration.getTemplateConfigurations()), and finally on the #ftl header's auto_esc option in the template.
    • dump

      public void dump(PrintStream ps)
      Dump the raw template in canonical form.
    • dump

      public void dump(Writer out) throws IOException
      Dump the raw template in canonical form.
    • addMacro

      @Deprecated public void addMacro(freemarker.core.Macro macro)
      Should only be used internally, and might will be removed later.
      Called by code internally to maintain a table of macros
    • addImport

      @Deprecated public void addImport(freemarker.core.LibraryLoad ll)
      Should only be used internally, and might will be removed later.
      Called by code internally to maintain a list of imports
    • getSource

      public String getSource(int beginColumn, int beginLine, int endColumn, int endLine)
      Returns the template source at the location specified by the coordinates given, or null if unavailable. A strange legacy in the behavior of this method is that it replaces tab characters with spaces according the value of getParserConfiguration()/ParserConfiguration.getTabSize() (which usually comes from Configuration.getTabSize()), because tab characters move the column number with more than 1 in error messages. However, if you set the tab size to 1, this method leaves the tab characters as is.
      beginColumn - the first column of the requested source, 1-based
      beginLine - the first line of the requested source, 1-based
      endColumn - the last column of the requested source, 1-based. If this is beyond the last character of the line, it assumes that you want to whole line.
      endLine - the last line of the requested source, 1-based
      See Also:
    • getRootTreeNode

      @Deprecated public freemarker.core.TemplateElement getRootTreeNode()
      Should only be used internally, and might will be removed later.
    • getMacros

      @Deprecated public Map getMacros()
      Should only be used internally, and might will be removed later.
    • getImports

      @Deprecated public List getImports()
      Should only be used internally, and might will be removed later.
    • addPrefixNSMapping

      @Deprecated public void addPrefixNSMapping(String prefix, String nsURI)
      Should only be used internally, and might will be removed later.
      This is used internally.
    • getDefaultNS

      public String getDefaultNS()
    • getNamespaceForPrefix

      public String getNamespaceForPrefix(String prefix)
      the NamespaceUri mapped to this prefix in this template. (Or null if there is none.)
    • getPrefixForNamespace

      public String getPrefixForNamespace(String nsURI)
      the prefix mapped to this nsURI in this template. (Or null if there is none.)
    • getPrefixedName

      public String getPrefixedName(String localName, String nsURI)
      the prefixed name, based on the ns_prefixes defined in this template's header for the local name and node namespace passed in as parameters.
    • containingElements

      @Deprecated public TreePath containingElements(int column, int line)
      Should only be used internally, and might will be removed later.
      an array of the TemplateElements containing the given column and line numbers.