Interface TemplateHashModelEx

All Superinterfaces:
TemplateHashModel, TemplateModel
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AllHttpScopesHashModel, AllHttpScopesHashModel, ArrayModel, BeanModel, BooleanModel, CollectionModel, DateModel, DefaultMapAdapter, EnumerationModel, Environment.Namespace, GenericObjectModel, HttpRequestHashModel, HttpRequestHashModel, HttpRequestParametersHashModel, HttpRequestParametersHashModel, IteratorModel, JythonHashModel, MapModel, NumberModel, ResourceBundleModel, RhinoFunctionModel, RhinoScriptableModel, SimpleHash, SimpleMapModel, StringModel

public interface TemplateHashModelEx extends TemplateHashModel
"extended hash" template language data type; extends TemplateHashModel by allowing iterating through its keys and values. Consider implementing the modern variation of this, TemplateHashModelEx2, which allows the more efficient listing of key-value pairs.

In templates they are used like hashes, but these will also work (among others): myExtHash?size, myExtHash?keys, myExtHash?values, <#list myMap as k, v>.

See Also:
DefaultMapAdapter, SimpleHash